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According to Syrian state television, the Syrian army pushed ISIL militants out of a south Damascus pocket on Monday, effectively clearing all insurgents from around the capital.


Pro-Syrian government forces have been battling for weeks to recover al-Hajar al-Aswad district and the adjacent Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp since driving rebels from eastern Ghouta in April.

自4月份从东姑塔驱赶叛军以来,亲叙利亚政府军一直在为收复al-hajar al-aswad地区和邻近的yarmouk巴勒斯坦难民营而斗争数周。

A state television presenter said the recovery of al-Hajar al-Aswad meant the area south of Damascus had been completely cleared of insurgents.

一名国家电视台主持人说,al-Hajar al-Aswad的恢复意味着大马士革以南地区已经完全清除了叛乱分子。

The jihadist group now controls only two besieged desert areas in eastern Syria, while another insurgent group that has pledged loyalty to it holds a small enclave in the southwest.


A temporary humanitarian ceasefire had been in place since Sunday night in al-Hajar al-Aswad to allow women, children and old people leave, state media said early on Monday.

官方媒体周一早些时候说,从周日晚上起,在al-hajar al-aswad实施了暂时的人道主义停火,允许妇女、儿童和老年人离开。

Army soldiers fired into the air in celebration and held Syrian flags, against a smashed cityscape of shattered buildings and widespread destruction.


Buildings and walls were pocked-marked from bullets and shell-fire, metal satellite dishes were bent and scorched, and the dome of a mosque had a gaping hole near its base.


On Sunday, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said fighters had begun withdrawing from the area towards ISIL territory in eastern Syria under a surrender deal, but state media said fighting continued.


The war monitor said on Monday that buses had already started leaving south Damascus for ISIL areas in eastern Syria.
