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1. There's no way for us to infer from the Chinese name of a dish what kind of ingredients it has when there's no picture to refer to.

refer to查阅; 参考; 提及;涉及,谈到,提到;关系到
例句:Refer to the dictionary when you don't know how to spell a word.
当你不知道怎么拼写一个词时, 查阅一下词典。

2. Differences in culture and living habits have led to conflicts between Koreans and their Chinese neighbors.

lead to导致
例句:Smoking can lead to lung cancer.

3. There are all kinds of opportunities for recreation around Wangjing, and Korean people, especially youngsters, don't come home until early morning, so the community doesn't quiet down until then.

quiet down安静下来; 平息下来
例句:He managed to quiet those children down.

4. Their Chinese neighbors find this extremely annoying because it is unsanitary and takes up public space.

take up占去
例句:This thing takes up all my attention.

5. He believes that such conflicts are unavoidable when people from one country encounter those from another, let alone live together in the same area.

let alone更不用说, 还不算
例句:We can't afford a bicycle, let alone a car.
我们连自行车也买不起, 更不用说汽车了。

6. A year ago, the community office also set up a public service center to provide assistance to the area's foreign residents.

set up建立,建造, 创立, 竖立
例句:Plenty of foreign firms have set up factories here.

7. He says all these changes have made it better for Koreans living in Wangjing to integrate into their community.

integrate into与…成为一体
例句:Immigrants are integrated into the community.