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医生人才外流 非洲损失巨大



1. There are more than a hundred million health care workers around the world, but in many poor countries, there are only a handful of doctors and nurses to care for tens or, even hundreds of thousands of people.

care for照料, 服侍
例句:The mother cared for the sick child day and night.

2. When poor countries do have medical and nursing schools to train new workers, many of those graduates end up leaving home to work in wealthier countries.

end up结束; 最终成为〔变得〕
例句:He ended up as head of the firm.

3. Part of that document called for countries such as the United States, the UK, Canada and Australia to compensate less affluent nations when their doctors and nurses emigrate to work there.

call for需要; 要求
例句:Your plan will call for a lot of money.

4. But until now, no one had put a dollar sign on the economic value of those medical professionals.

put on增加; 增加(费用)
例句:Why are you trying to put the blame on me?

5. He believes it's important that wealthy countries pay attention to the problem.

pay attention to注意,关心
例句:No attention was paid to his advice.

6. Short of paying African countries for their immigrants, he says, that program is an example of the kinds of things wealthy countries can do to make up for all those doctors and nurses they've lured away from home.

make up弥补, 偿还
例句:Vitamin pills make up what you lack in your diet.