Jacob von Uexkull, founder and co-chair of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation presented the honorary award to Huang Ming. He explained why Huang Ming was awarded.
"Huang Ming from China receives the 2011 Right Livelihood Honorary Award 'for his outstanding success in the development and mass-deployment of cutting-edge technologies for harnessing solar energy, thereby showing how dynamic emerging economies can contribute to resolving global crisis of anthropogenic climate change."
He said that Huang Ming is a global solar entrepreneur showing how business can help overcome the energy and climate crisis.

"We think it is very important to strengthen those in China who work for renewable energy. We know that today China is not only the biggest emitter of CO2 in the world, it is also the country that has the biggest installed capacity of renewable energy. We hope to encourage China to as a country to move on the way of renewable energy, because there is so much potential as the work of Huang Ming demonstrates."
Huang Ming is setting an example to the world with his Dezhou Solar Valley, one of the world's largest solar city development projects which attracts up to 4000 visitors a day including developers, city planners and educators.
Besides his technological leadership and business record in promoting solar energy, Huang Ming was also involved in getting China's renewable energy law adopted in 2005.
As Board Chairman of Himin Solar in east China's Shandong Province, Huang Ming also established a Solar Valley serving as a demonstration of low carbon emission city.
In the Solar Valley, with the use of solar energy and waste recycling, 80 percent of energy can be saved, compared with normal constructions.
As a visionary and passionate entrepreneur, Huang Ming was the first Chinese who won the Right Livelihood Awards.
Three other winners from Chad and the United States also received their awards and shared the 150,000 euros ( or 205,000 U.S. dollars) cash prize.
The right livelihood awards was founded in1980 to honor and support those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today.
For CRI, this is Chen Xuefei reporting from Stockholm.
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