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1. Dixieland jazz is not something most people associate with church choirs, or Christmas, for that matter.

associate with与…交往, 联系
例句:The doctor was associated in the child's mind with injections and pains.
在孩子的心里, 医生总是使他联想到打针与疼痛。

2. The songs tell the story of the birth of Jesus. "Gabrielle" speaks of the angel who comes to Mary and announces she will give birth to a son.

give birth to生; 引起, 产生
例句:She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.

3. “I thought about that. Is that disrespectful? Or what is that?" he says.

think about对…有(某种观点); 考虑…; 捉摸…
例句:What do you think about him?

4. I think at first it was a challenge to get the timing right, but the instruments really lend an excitement to the music and it actually raises our singing.

lend to增加, 增添
例句:Her presence lent an air of respectability to the occasion.

5. As the banjo, trombone, piano and trumpet take turns with solos, choir members are swaying to the beat and Childer’s wife Jean can’t resist jumping up to briefly dance with her husband while he conducts.

take turns替换, 轮流
例句:Susan and her brother take turns (at) doing the dishes.
jump up突然站起
例句:He jumped up out of his chair.