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1. A recent survey on film ticket prices have found that movie tickets are priced too high in China, deterring people from enjoying their favorite movies in properly-equipped cinemas.

deter from威慑住,吓住;使断念
例句:Failure did not deter him from trying again.

2. He says that 70 yuan is incredibly high comparing with other countries.

compare with与...相比
例句:I'm afraid my English compares poorly with hers.

3. Movie ticket price accounts for 2.3 percent of urban residents' disposable monthly income in China.

account for占有,占...百分比
例句:APEC members account for more than half of the world's economic output.

4. Li Yizhong says high-priced tickets have kept people out of cinema and led to massive downloads of pirated films and purchases of copied DVDs.

keep out (使)留在外面
例句:This notice should keep unwanted visitors out.
lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.

5. Many excellent home-grown Chinese movies are coming out these days.

come out出版; 发表
例句:That year they came out with another article.

6. But since the ticket prices are too high, no one will pay 60 yuan for a small-budget film.

pay for为…付钱
例句:I have to pay 150 dollars for the sewing machine.

7. Li Yizhong says he has carried out a trail in a cinema in downtown Shanghai.

carry out执行; 贯彻;实现,完成
例句:If you make a promise, it should be carried out.
你许了诺言, 就一定要兑现。

8. That means the government can't interfere with it. It is film producers, distributors and cinemas who set the prices together.

interfere with干预, 阻挠, 妨碍, 阻止
例句:The noise interferes with my work.

9. Li Yizhong believes lower ticket price will attract more audiences, and that will in return guarantee the profit for all parties involved.

in return作为报答; 反过来
例句:She presented me a dictionary in return. 