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1. A few days ahead of the test, hundreds of so-called online service organizations are claiming to offer the real answer keys to test-takers.

ahead of在…之前
例句:She left one day ahead of him.

2. They even promise the students will pass the test with flying colors by using those answers.

flying colors很成功地;出色地
例句:She came through her French test with flying colors.

3. The lady in charge of the illegal service says, there are two ways to get answer keys.

in charge of主管,负责
例句:I'll be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director is away.
下周厂长不在时, 我将负责整个工厂。

4. Measures have been taken to fight against exam fraud. Li Qingzhong, director of a university's post-graduate department, explains.

take measures采取措施
例句:We should take appropriate measures to improve our teaching.
fight against与…作斗争〔争吵〕; 反对…
例句:We will have to fight against difficulties.

5. Tight security measures are put in place through the entire process, so we dare say it is impossible that the test papers have been leaked or exposed.

put in使处于某种状态
例句:The surprise attack put me in a fix.

6. Li has warned students not to trust the online services claiming to offer answer keys, stating that the only purpose of these online services is to rip students off.

rip off欺骗;剥削
例句:The advertising campaign ripped off a great many consumers.

7. If caught cheating, he or she will be banned from the exam immediately. What's more, they will also be banned from taking next year's exam.

ban from禁止
例句:They were banned from attending.