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1. Thanks to those classes, he says, he’s not the same person he was four years ago.

thanks to幸亏, 多亏, 由于
例句:Thanks to your help, we were successful.
由于你的帮助, 我们得以成功。

2. The term “humanities” refers to a branch of knowledge that generally includes languages, literature, the arts, history, cultural studies, philosophy and religion

refer to参考;涉及;指的是;适用于
例句:He never referred to his sisters in his letters.

3. “There is no question that more graduates in the science and technology fields are essential," says Carolyn Martin, president of Amherst College.

there is no question that 毫无疑问
例句:There is no question that he will come here on time.

4. But the study of culture and the ability to write well, to think well and to interact well with others, all of those things are equally important.

interact with与…相互配合
例句:He interacted closely with us so as to finish the difficult task.

5. Without them, science and technology would feel quite empty to people and the question of how to put technology to human uses would be a very urgent question in the absence of the study of culture.

in the absence of缺乏…时;当…不在时
例句:People will stifle in the absence of air.

6. “For example, can we create partnerships between universities so that we’re able to tap into their faculty and share certain courses and programs?" he says.

tap into利用; 开发
例句:They made success by tapping into recent developments in technology.

7. And, he points out, humanities graduates can apply their knowledge to other - more technical - fields.

point out指出
例句:He pointed out that there was little chance of success.
apply to运用
例句:In this way they can better apply theory to practice.

8. In music, a number of universities have developed programs in the music industry for students who love music and want to be around music, but are not talented enough to earn a living as performers

earn a living谋生, 维持生活
例句:Nowadays it is very easy to earn a living.