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1. Although the vents are gushing liquid minerals estimated to be hotter than 450 degrees Celsius, they are surrounded by a remarkable abundance of marine life, including species of shrimp and snails never seen before.

surround by以…环绕〔包围〕…
例句:Each bamboo house was surrounded by a thriving orchard.

2. They are erupting really hot fluid, still liquid, loaded with dissolved minerals that form particles that looked like smoke and that’s why we nicknamed them 'black smokers'

load with使装满; 使受重压
例句:The cart was loaded with fruit.
look like看起来与(某人或某物)相像〔相似〕
例句:These houses look exactly like each other, which makes the street look very dull.
这些房屋的外观极为相似, 使整条街道显得十分呆板。

3. Although they didn’t measure the vent temperatures directly, the scientists estimate that the dark material spewing out - mostly copper and other dissolved minerals - is hotter than 450 degrees Celsius.

spew out (使)喷涌出
例句:Many new stars are spewing out of the singing circle.

4. Copley said the tiny white creatures exist in near-total darkness and feed mostly on bacteria.

feed on以…为食,以…为能源
例句:Cattle feed chiefly on grass.

5. “Instead of two eyes on stalks like shrimp normally have as an adult, these shrimp have a light-sensing organ on their back,” said Copley.

instead of(用…)代替…, (是…)而不是…, (用…)而不用…
例句:He has been playing all afternoon instead of getting on with his work.
他整个下午一直在玩, 没有继续工作。

6. He noted that in the coming years, the ecosystem will see an increasing human presence, in the form of deep-sea fishing, oil and gas extraction and mining operations.

in the form of用…的形式
例句:Water vapor is water in the form of a gas.