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罗姆尼参选 摩门教仍被误解

1. But they belong to one of the least understood faiths in America, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as the Mormon church is officially known.

belong to属于
例句:Victory belongs to the most persevering.

2. Mormons make up less than 2 percent of the U.S. population, around 6 million people.

make up组成, 构成
例句:The audience was made up of very young children.

3. But in the United States, some of the misperceptions Dave Cook speaks of are being challenged.

speak of谈到, 讲到
例句:They spoke of the old days on the campus.

4. With presidential hopeful and Mormon Mitt Romney gaining momentum in the bid for the Republican Party nomination, many LDS members are excited by the prospect of a president from their faith. 

bid for争取达到(某个目标)
例句:The climbers are determined to bid for the highest mountain in the world.

5. A new survey by The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found that Mormons on the whole are satisfied with their lives.

be satisfied with对…感到满意
例句:Such a most talented person as he shouldn't be satisfied with what he is.

6. But he adds that they are aware of the misgivings many Americans have about their faith. 

be aware of意识到; 知道
例句:He doesn't seem to be aware of the problems.

7. Lots of Mormons tell us that Mormons are discriminated against in the United States.

discriminate against歧视
例句:It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.
歧视外族人是不公正的, 也是违法的。

8. "To me, it's just mind-boggling why people would be that disrespectful of anyone," says Dave Cook, adding that a Mormon president would be good for America.

be good for对……有好处
例句:The Olympics will be good for business.

9. Nearly twice as many Mormons as other Americans prefer a family in which the husband is the wage earner and the wife takes care of the home and children.

take care of照顾
例句:They appointed her to take care of that old man.