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2012-01-17来源:ABC news

The Revolution, it's about you, get tools, tips and advice from your personal team of life style experts to help you start your own revolution.

I know Team Gun loves color and so do I, but not just for my wardrobe, for my diet too, That's because color equals nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It's so easy to pick the right foods by just looking at them, red, green, purple, tomato, spinach, grapes. They are telling you instantly how healthy they are, so this week I want everyone try to give up colorless foods, just for a week. Nothing white, no white bread, white rice, no white potatoes, no white pasta and white sugar, which means all sweets. These bad carbons cause dramatic spikes in your blood sugar and insulin levels, leaving you feeling all hungry and they really have little to know nutritional value, and try to include 3 or more colors in each one of your meals with fruits and veges. By the end of the week, you have more energy and you may even lost your ponds and you will be amazed at how different you will feel.

The Revolution, coming January 16th to ABC daytime, and for more tips, check out Facebook, Twitter and ABC.com.