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1. I was told that China was prepared to apply itself to a stable euro as part of the shared responsibility for a stable world economy.

apply to致力于, 专心于
例句:He applied himself diligently to learning French.

2. At the same time, it is of course clear that the main task lies with the countries of Europe, we have to do our homework, we have to solve our problems.

lie with是…的责任
例句:The solution to the problem lies with you.

3. For his part, Wen Jiabao says China is now "considering" contributing more to the European rescue funds.

contribute to促成
例句:Your suggestion has greatly contributed to the accomplishment of our work.

4. Wen Jiabao has pointed out that since Europe is China's largest export destination, a stable euro is also vital to China.

point out指出
例句:He pointed out that there was little chance of success.

5. Meanwhile, on the strategic front, Merkel is suggesting China can use its influence to persuade Iran to give up its nuclear program.

give up放弃
例句:She will give up this journey.

6. However, Wen Jiabao did take time to suggest China isn't too impressed with the idea of sanctions on Iranian oil.

impress with把…印在…上; 因…获得好印象
例句:We were most impressed with your efficiency.

7. Merkel is set to meet with Chinese president Hu Jintao today before traveling to the southern economic hub of Guangzhou, which is home to some 4 hundred German companies.

be home to是……的家园,产地
例句:The America is home to Jazz.