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1. Since 1994, 75-year-old Liu Yuzhen has volunteered to pick up cigarette butts, wash away traces of spittle and generally keep Tian'anmen Square clean.

pick up拾起, 捡起; 抬起
例句:I would have picked it up if I had noticed it.
我如果看见的话, 我早就把它拣起来了。
wash away冲走, 清洗
例句:She washed away the stains.

2. "Tian'anmen Square, located in the capital city, Beijing, is our face. We'll feel ashamed if our face gets tarnished.

locate in在某一点设置
例句:The building is located in a business center.

3. She also bent down to gather hulls, and her action touched me greatly.

bend down俯身, 屈身
例句:The nurse bent down and kissed the child.
护士俯身, 吻了吻那个孩子。

4. Yet, he believes her volunteer endeavors cannot be duplicated by other retirees who only have a fixed pension to live on.

live on以…为食; 靠…为生
例句:That old man lives on the earnings of his daughter.

5. But in today's society, people mistakenly believe charity work simply entails donating money to a cause and are indifferent about whether professionals in charge of charity work should be paid.

in charge of主管,负责
例句:I'll be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director is away.
下周厂长不在时, 我将负责整个工厂。

6. Wang says charity organizations should pay their volunteer employees at least an average income to encourage them to do more and better work on behalf of society.

on behalf of为了…的利益
例句:He spoke on behalf of the plan.