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1. He says the study found that the progression of Alzheimer's disease depends on the transmission of an abnormal brain protein known as tau.

depend on依赖, 依靠
例句:You can't depend on your parents forever.

2. Within our brain, one cell can transfer this tau protein to another cell and then that next cell will become diseased and transfer the tau protein to the next cell down the line.

transfer to移动到
例句:The company has transferred to an eastern location.

3. Eakin says not every research effort leads to a breakthrough, but the accumulated findings from many previous studies of Alzheimer's, using both animal and human subjects, have drawn a much clearer picture of how the disease devastates the brain.

lead to导致
例句:Smoking can lead to lung cancer.

4. Dr. Brian Appleby did not take part in that study, but treats dementia patients at Cleveland Clinic.

take part in参加…, 参与…活动
例句:Joe took an active part in the struggle.

5. Scientists are hoping that at least a few of these drugs will help to slow or stop the disease in its tracks, so that a diagnosis of Alzheimer's is no longer a death sentence.

no longer不再, 已不, 不复, 再也不
例句:The city's water supply is no longer adequate for its need.