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1. As Kenya gears up for possible elections this year - and as four prominent Kenyans are to have their post-election violence cases tried before the International Criminal Court - thousands of people are still languishing in often-deplorable conditions in camps that they fled to during violence following the last elections.

gear up使做好行动准备
例句:The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.

2. Backed by human rights groups, the so-called IDPs are calling for the government to re-settle or compensate them before new elections proceed.

call for需要
例句:Your plan will call for a lot of money.

3. We are waiting for well-wishers to come here and give us food and clothes

wait for等待, 等候
例句:I've been waiting for the bus for half an hour.

4. Through government or donor programs, such as Habitat for Humanity, many of them returned to their homes, were integrated into new communities, or even pooled their government payments together to purchase land as a group.

integrate into与…成为一体
例句:Immigrants are integrated into the community.

5. “You still find a big population of IDPs have not been catered for, have not been resettled, have not gotten justice, have still not gone back to their farms,” said Magenyi.

cater for迎合; 顾及;为...提供所需
例句:I expect he will be able to cater for your particular needs.

6. People are getting kickbacks. People do not want the problem to be sorted out because they gain. The president [Mwai Kibabki] has been very candid: two weeks, end of the month.

sort out整顿, 解决
例句:That school was sorted out in a matter of two months.

7. He also is calling on the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission not to draw up electoral boundaries for the next elections until the IDPs have been settled.

call on要求, 请求
例句:He called on his friends to help him.
draw up草拟, 拟订
例句:A new will has been drawn up.