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1. However, the growth rates of American Indian tribes over the past decade has been two or three times as high, depending on the tribe.


depend on随…而定; 取决于
例句:Whether the game will be played depends on the weather.

2. Enrolling in a tribe is not like immigrating to another country or joining a social club.

enroll in (使)加入
例句:Recently he enrolled in the Chinese Medical Association.

3. Tribal citizenship is based on blood lines.

base on使建立在…基础上,立足
例句:Action should be based on solid facts.

4. So we have our peoples coming back from other states. They're coming home because there is an economy.

come back回来
例句:I'm going away and I may never come back.
我要走了, 可能永远不再回来。

5. At Tulalip, that adds up to a 22 percent growth rate over the past decade.

add up to总计达, 总共是
例句:The money adds up to 100 dollars.

6. Tribal members voted to clamp down on new enrollments in 2005.

clamp down强行限制;进行取缔
例句:They clamped down on drug pushers.

7. But other members wrote letters and posted online to warn against opening the "floodgates" of tribal membership.

warn against告诫, 当心, 提防
例句:The doctor warned the patient against smoking.

8. Over the years, people have complained about "tribal jumpers."

complain about抱怨, 投诉
例句:He never complained about working overtime.

9. It takes just a couple of generations of intermarriage to put the children at risk of being disqualified from membership.

disqualify from使不合格
例句:His youth disqualified him from getting the job.
他太年轻, 因而没能得到这份工作。

10. Dozens of tribes around the country including the Tulalips and Puyallups have gotten rid of blood quantum requirements altogether.

get rid of除掉, 去掉;摆脱
例句:He can't get rid of the cold.