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1. I've proposed enhancing the coverage of preschool education with more kids involved in it, and giving it priority to include preschool education in compulsory education.

involve in使参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕
例句:She was involved in working out a puzzle.

2. Luo explains why he hopes China's nine-year compulsory education will include preschool rather than six years of primary school plus three years of junior middle school.

rather than而不是
例句:They thus increased their annual grain production rather than diminished it.

3. But those opposed to making preschool a part of the compulsory education system argue that if children start their schooling earlier, many of them will quickly tire of the extended education period.

oppose to反对
例句:His parents are opposed to the match.
tire of对…厌烦
例句:He never tired of the sound of his own voice.

4. This would also go against the wishes of parents who desire a more active role in their children's early development instead of leaving it to total strangers.

go against违背, 作对
例句:That'll go against the traffic regulations.
instead of (用…)代替…, (是…)而不是…, (用…)而不用…
例句:He has been playing all afternoon instead of getting on with his work.
他整个下午一直在玩, 没有继续工作。

5. Feng Xiaoxia, a professor specializing in preschool education at Beijing Normal University, says she believes that making a one-year, preschool period part of the compulsory education system is in line with the education systems in many other countries.

specialize in专攻, 精通, 以…为专业
例句:The cinema specializes in Italian films.
in line with跟…一致, 符合,按照
例句:The new proposal is in line with our general line.