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1. "China's gross domestic product hit 47.2 trillion yuan in 2011, and if such a big piece of "cake" continues to move forward at a rate of 7 to 8 percent, the progress would still enable China to stand out as a leader within the world economy."

stand out超群, 杰出
例句:She stands out as the best in the class.

2. As the country's economic growth slows down, relevant authorities should make adjustments in order to stimulate domestic demand, including the creation of a new stimulus package.

slow down (使)生产缓慢, (使)变得迟钝
例句:The increase of productions has now slowed down.
in order to为了
例句:We started early in order to arrive before dark.

3. NPC deputy, Kong Qing, believes that in the face of global economic turbulence and with a lack of consumer demand within the domestic market, state-run businesses such as the Shandong Energy Group Corporation Limited, where he works as Deputy General Manager, should explore opportunities overseas in a bid to help drive the domestic economy forward.

work as任…职, 当…
例句:She worked as a nurse when she was young.
in a bid to为了
例句:They brought in new tax laws in a bid to restore their popularity.

4. Besides the economic downturn worldwide, our domestic economy is not strong enough, so our country encounters difficulties when it comes to creating economic growth.

when it comes to当提到……;当谈到……
例句:When it comes to cooking I know nothing.

5. In light of the possible rise in labor costs this year, those who intend to invest in factory or processing businesses will hesitate and consider more than ever whether they should begin or continue their investment in fear of a decrease in returns.

in light of按照,根据
例句:He reviewed his policy in the light of recent developments.
intend to打算(做)..., 想要(做)...
例句:He intends his son to manage the company.
invest in在…上投资, 在…投入(时间、精力等)
例句:He invested his money in shares.
in fear of怕…, 为…提心吊胆
例句:The thief passed the day in fear of discovery.