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CPI随下降 物价仍高企

1. Food prices, which account for nearly one-third of the weighting in the calculation of China's CPI, rose 6.2 percent in February from a year earlier.

account for占有,占...百分比
例句:APEC members account for more than half of the world's economic output.

2. Figures from the Xinfadi Vegetable Wholesale Market in Beijing also indicate that the prices of pork and eggs decreased after the Spring Festival, but that vegetable prices remained the same and are likely to rise.

be likely to可能; 倾向于; 很可能
例句:John is likely to be in London this autumn.

3. The average wholesale price of eight staple aquatic products gained 1 percent, while the price of hairtail went up 2 percent.

go up上升, 上涨, 提高, 增加, 增高
例句:The goods have gone up in price.

4. Nevertheless, some experts caution that even though macroeconomic policies have gradually taken effect, upward price pressures will persist.

take effect生效, 奏效
例句:The prescribed medicine failed to take effect.