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1. Now in it's 6th year, the Bookworm International Literary Festival aims to reach out to a varied cross section of the community.

reach out (使)伸出
例句:A tree reaches out its branches towards the light.

2. Kadi Hughes festival director from BLF says the festival creates an opportunity for international writers to learn more about China and the emerging literature scene

learn about获得, 学得
例句:I like reading historical stories because I can learn about the lives that people led long ago.
我喜欢看历史故事, 因为这样可以知道过去人们的生活。

3. Modern contemporary china is something a lot of people are interested in but they don't know how to access it.

be interested in对…感兴趣
例句:I'm interested in anything to do with music.

4. For us we are able to help authors see modern china and talk to writers and to meet regular people who live here in Beijing and hear about their lives.

hear about得悉, 听说
例句:Have you ever heard about the movie?

5. The Chinese language programme is also a popular feature at the Bookworm Festival, Hughes says they aim to pair an international author with a Chinese author to them explore literary themes

pair with使…与…配成对
例句:The parents finally agreed to pair their daughter with that young man.

6. Most of these events pair an international author with a Chinese author and really interesting conversations usually come out of that.

come out of由…产生,从…出来
例句:His family has come out of poverty.