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1. On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court will take up a case that will have a lasting effect on American laws and virtually every American's access to health care.

take up开始从事
例句:When did he take up football?
have an effect on对…有影响;对…起作用,产生效果
例句:Her parents' divorce had a profound effect on her life.

2. Three families explain what's at stake for them.   

at stake在危急关头
例句:The life of the patient is at stake.

3. The Affordable Health Care law says no insurance company can deny coverage based on that. 

base on使建立在…基础上,立足
例句:Action should be based on solid facts.

4. “It’s difficult for me to think about somebody who’s gone through something through no fault of their own, who’s had to go through so much, to have the bottom drop out like that," she said.

go through经历
例句:The country has gone through too many wars.

5. He says - in this economy - there's not much profit left over when he wraps up the day, so, he'd have to raise prices and cut staff.

wrap up圆满完成; 顺利结束(协议或会议等)
例句:They wrapped up an agreement on Friday.

6. “I’d want to fall into the category of somewhere between 40 and 49 employees, so somewhere along the line we’d have to trim down and work a little harder to not be in that category so we wouldn’t have to pay for health benefits," said Fleishman.

fall into分成
例句:The islands fall into three large groups.
trim down削减…
例句:We shall have to trim our spending down to fit our income.
pay for为…付钱
例句:How much did you pay for the book?

7. A lot of what I’m looking into is internships and, even if they are paid, the biggest thing is you don’t get benefits

look into在...里查资料;深入地检查,研究;调查
例句:John looked into the chronicles of the Middle Ages last week.