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It was last night, right here in World News, we told you about the super moon, well, tonight if you're lucky enough to have a clear sky, you have a quite show. But we want to know the science behind, Why it seem bigger, and brighter we've seen years.

Who can forget that famous flight, E.T. in silver white(solo ride), George Billy often got a moon, it's a wonderful life.

--Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around, pull it down.

And of course, there were Share who said we all said at one point .

--I've never seen the moon like that before.


And if you look up into sky tonight, chances are : you'll be star-struck again, or should we say 'Moon Struck'. The Super moon, the biggest and brightest full moon of the year. And it turns out not all full moons are created equal, that's because the moon's orbit around the earth isn't a perfect circle, it's an ellipse. And tonight's moon known as 'Perigee full moon' would be closest to the earth at the exact moment when it becomes full, and near 221,000 miles away, that's 17,000 miles closer than the typical full moon. And its proximity that will give us a view,30%  brighter, 14% bigger, bigger than everything it illuminates, look at these images from the last super moon, the trees to wolf, the people like specks on horizon that plane, imagining being on that flight, and it turns out there's more than a science the Super Moon, the ocean tides will be more extreme this weekend, but about those stories of full moon's bring out bizarre behavior.

Come on, come on, Hey, Howl, howl, howl...

It's all amid, say researchers. And one more spectacle on the sky they look for, those tiny spec's captured by NASA telescopes here. Those are fireballs meteor shower, all pieces of degree from Helios comment , this year, the people occur tonight into tomorrow, scientists say up to 40 to 60 meteors per hour, all of them perhaps so little more difficulty to spot, because that well lit, well defined sky.