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Municipal authorities in Guangdong's capital Guangzhou are bringing in a policy which will see waste fees charged based on the number of garbage bags used.

This plan is part of a series of steps being set up in Guangzhou to try to protect the city's environment.

While the plan appears to have broad-based support among those living in Guangzhou, some in the city say they're concerned about the timing of the new measures, given the current economic climate.

Guangzhou to Charge Fees for Bin Bags

"I support rubbish classification, but we still have a lot of work to do to manage refuse well. If we begin to charge fees for rubbish bags, it might lead to high fees."

Mr. Chen is a service manager at a local trading company which specializes in environmental products in Guangzhou.

He says he forsees some challenges in getting the program up and running.

"First of all, the real name requirements on the garbage bags may, to some extent, invade people's privacy. Secondly, due to the large number of residents in particular neighborhoods, it is hard to make sure people get their personal information right. And third, there may be some cases of people just throwing their waste elsewhere rather than buying a bag."

But despite his concerns, Chen is among those who says he feels the new program is going to be good for Guangzhou's environment.

"Citizens' consciousness of environmental protection will be improved if less garbage bags are used. We should take responsibility for ourselves and the next generation, giving them a better living environment."

Dr. Wu Wenliang is the vice-dean of the College of Resources and Environmental Science at China Agricultural University.

He suggests it might have been better if the pilot program was first launched in smaller communities, such as colleges or other national institutions.

Still, Dr. Wu says he supports the initiative.

"Our environment will be improved if the measure works out. The government can make use of the fees charged for the bags to reward individuals who are good at sorting their rubbish, encouraging everyone to do better."

The new garbage bag program for the city of Guangzhou is due to begin in September.

For CRI, I am Long Kun.