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无论更好或更糟 伦敦奥运已开始


In the Olympic Village in East London, performers and volunteers have been welcoming members of the Olympic Family as they arrive from around the world.

Euan Paterson works in the gym of the Athletes Village.

"It's vey exciting time. We're very lucky to be able to work in the environment. Seeing the place come to life over the last three months with the athletes and officials arriving, all the flags going up, there's really buzz about the place, and everyone here is really excited for the start of the Games. I'm looking forward for all to happen."

The Games got of to a rocky start on Wednesday, when the organizers put the South Korean national flag alongside the pictures of North Korean women footballers in the pre-match introduction. Even the British Prime Minister David Cameron was moved to comment.

For Better or Worse, Here it Comes

"It was an honest mistake. An apology has been made and I'm sure every step will be taken to make sure it will never happen again."

Cameron also acknowledged concerns over the Games' security, which has been plagued by troubles with the contractor G4S and troops cuts as a result of cuts in government spending.

"The biggest concern has always got to be a safe and secure Games - that matters more than anything else. Our fingers are crossed for everything from the events to the weather to the transport infrastructure and everything else."

Although the Games haven't officially started, some participants, such as Italian athlete Jayhn Parrinello, have already put the London Games in comparison with the previous one held in Beijing.

"All good. But Beijing is first. Much different. Different facility. Beijing is very fast, accreditation and all facility is fast. All very good. Here a little medium, medium velocity."

But Larry Grulich, who works for the National Olympic Committee of Korea, has a different perspective.

"Each Olympic is going to have its own mark. It's going to make its own statement. China was coming out to the world. There was a coming-out party for China. The Britons are going to have a different approach. They are gonna represent their history just as China did in the last one. It's really hard to say that this one is better than that one. Each organizing committee makes its own way, decides what's important to share about its own homeland. So it's going to be very nice I believe."

And that's what David Cameron wants to share with the world.

"From where I stand, I think we're set for a really remarkable few weeks for Britain. When we welcome the world, we say this is a great country to come, enjoy the Olympics, but also think of all the other things we've got to offer. This is a great moment for us. You're going to see beyond doubt that Britain can deliver. "

For CRI, I'm Tu Yun reporting from London.