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Professor at Renmin University of China, Yang Juhua says that's its becoming more and more difficult for young people to care for their parents because children are becoming more independent.

"Traditionally in China the elderly were supported by their children economically and also emotionally in their daily life. In terms of finance and economic security I would say a worsening trend because the children and their parents don't coe reside. But in terms of daily care – yes – that will be a problem and also in terms of emotional support."

Now according to the report the "empty nest" elderly make up roughly 13% of families in China.

A Peking University <a href=http://www.hxen.net target=_blank class=infotextkey>study</a> Shows that Children are Less likely to Take Care of Parents on a Daily Basis

Director of this report, Li Jianxin, says with the increasing population of the one-child family. Family is becoming smaller and less nuclear.

He adds that the changes of lifestyle among young people are also contributing factors to the increase in empty-nest families.

Though Yang Juhua believes one of the biggest reasons for this change is because of residential shifts in the population.

"Parents and children do not coe reside or there children are far away from their homes. In urban areas the kids tend to be more independent and they don't coincide with their parents. For people in the countryside, cause you know the large-scale labor migration, the young kids are going to the cities leaving the elderly at home. Even they want to take care of their parents in person they are just simply not able to do so."

While the report believes that "empty nests" are still the minority, their potential rise could bring about a series of problems, including domestic service, provisions for the aged and spiritual care.

Because when the traditional family life model is removed who will be responsible for the elderly and whom can they depend on to make a living?

Associate Professor of Sociology at Hubei University Dr. Zhang Jitao says this is a very important issue for China to resolve.

"Giving more care to older people in empty nest environments is an imperative task for all sectors of the society."

Yang Juhua agrees and says she believes that Chinese leaders understand this and are working to create multiple solutions for the elderly.

"The Chinese government is now trying to establish a long term care system or the elderly supporting system, like elderly homes. Also the government is trying to provide or to create a system that is community based.

But Yang adds that this kind of support system will take a long time to implement here in China.

For CRI I'm Nate Schlabach