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Panic buying of candles is sweeping parts of China's southwestern Sichuan province following an online post relating to the Mayan doomsday prophecy.

The post says the world will be plunged into darkness for three consecutive days beginning December 21.

The ancient Mayan civilisation prophesied a catastrophe would befall the earth that day which would be the last day people could see the sun.

Doudou laughs out on weibo.com,

Doomsday Prophecy Triggers Panic Buying

These people are so stupid! Even if the world will be plunged into three-day darkness on December 21, we still have electricity. There is absolutely no need to rush out for candles. Look at what I did for the doomsday: I rushed to the bank and recharged my electricity card 3,000 kilowatt-hours!

While Darryn, the general manager of a network technology company in Sichuan province, says on sina.com,

Employees of my company will be given two days off beginning December 20 so that they can spend more time with their family. No one knows whether the doomsday rumor is true or not and a lot of staff are feeling anxious. Why not find a reason to see parents and spend a cherished doomsday with them?

Luan Jiangao, an astronomy researcher, says on wccdaily.com.cn,

People with some common sense would know that there cannot be three days of darkness at anytime in China. Only the two poles on earth have polar nights lasting for months. On December 21, the North Pole will be in total darkness, which will last for a number of days. Whereas in the rest of the world, what people will experience will just be the shortest day of the year.

And Lu Jiehua, a professor with the Department of Sociology at Peking University, says on cnr.cn,

This panic buying of candles not only shows people's fear of an upcoming apocalypse, but also reflects their sense of uncertainty toward life and society. Such uncertainty, combined with nonsensical rumors, will easily trigger irrational behavior. Right now what people badly need is better education in science, which will effectively ease their anxiety and fears.