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谷歌进军电商 改变你的生活


West union, the fastest way to send money, that used to be true. But these days we upgrade it.

Google says its new program will let you send money without ever looking up from your e-mail. The search giant introduced google wallet in 2011. Google wallet, tap, pay and save. To store credit cards and other methodes of payment for use when you standing at the checkout counter are just see something online and want it right away. Just scan you phone and the product is yours.

“All right, thank you very much.”

But now google is uping the ATM and taking on paypal which was once the only secure way to pay online. It's dominated for about a decade now, but you needed a paypal account.

谷歌进军电商 改变你的生活

But with googe wallet, you don't need a separate account, just e-mail address and you can send money to a friend over that bet you lost last night. Just as easily as you can touch a photo from the experience.

It absolutely is a step ahead of paypal. Simply because paypal is an actual step with the company that not allowed ordinary people are familiar with.

Of course more money changing in hands, more problems.

It's important for everyone to stop thinking. Drive one company is not only have all of my conversations, but also all of completely records of everyone had sent money to and when and meanig why?

Still if you want to rush out and sign up, hold your horses. Google is rolling out the new feature, the same way it did gmail. So if you have an enterprising friend who already has it, she can send it to you sooner.Otherwise it's coming out of the next few months. You just have to be 18 to place banks and gamil that money.