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Google's newest product called glass has been steadily getting buzz. That new wearable technology that takes videos was a simple command.

"OK glass,recording video"

-"I think the likelihood that will be hit here has a broad range of appeal.I don't,that's tough to see." Apple CEO Tim Cook making the rare public appearance at the technology conference seems to be giving it as a thumbs-down."I wear glasses because i have to. I can't see without it. I don't know a lot of people that wear them that don't have to. But the company that pionnered the smart phone may soon branch into the category known as wearables. If we do read the comments like this "I think there will be tons of companies playing in us."


-Will Apple be one of them?

-“I don't wanna answer that one”

Sharing the stage with technology bloggers  Walter Mossberg  and  Kara Swisher,Cook waded on the other hot tech topics like why doesn't  Apple come out with the bigger screen for the Iphone?

-"A large screen today comes a lot of trade-offs"

-"And why not come out with other versions of phones like its competitors?"

-"We haven't so far that doesn't shut off the future"

Then the subject turned to taxes where  Apple has recently been criticised.

-"We pay six billion dollars and that is the big highest in the US. We pay more taxes than anybody."

Cook's appearance here comes about a week after testifying in Washington.He was questioned by the Senators about the compamy allegedlly keeping money overseas to avoid paying US taxes. Apple has 144 billion in cash but about 100billion of that is kept offshore,money that is not subect to the US corporate taxes.

-"Can you understand there is a perception of unfair vantage share?"

-"Honestly speaking,I don't see it as being unfair.I'm not an unfair person.And that is not who we are as a company."

But as John Steward noted it wasn't exactly a ruling testimony.

-"You've managed to change the word which is a incredible legacy."

-“I harassed my husband until he converted to a Macbook.”

-“Your products are great.”

-”My granddaughter even knows how to use it."

-"I love Apple,I love Apple."

-"What the hell is that? what's the opposite of the genius bar?"

-"Did you give them all free staff  for what happened?"

-" No I didn't feel this was a love feast,I don't know it's a sort of media. Sitting in the witness chair,You don't necessarily have that feeling."