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First to that plane which came down in eastern Ukraine, not far from the border with Russia, amid accusation that it was shot down by a missile. Some Ukrainian officials say they have proved the Russian military was involved. Ukraine's president blamed terrorists. Pro-Russia separatists have denied involvement and President Putin said Ukraine was responsible for the tragedy. But one thing that is certain is that the plane with nearly 300 people on board was utterly destroyed. Footage showed smoking wreckage, bodies and even debris falling to the ground near the village of Grabovo in eastern Ukraine. Our first report is from our diplomatic correspondent James Robins.


Those who were first on the scene found burning wreckage and scores of bodies, near the village of Grabovo in eastern Ukraine. Soon after its photos appeared on the Internet showing the distinctive blue and red livery of Malaysia Airlines on parts of the fuselage, Malaysia Airlines confirmed that it had lost contact with its Boeing 777 as it was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur along an established and frequently used air corridor which runs through Ukrainian and Russian airspace. Although the cause of the crash is not yet known, suggestion that the airline could have been shot down by a missile in this conflict zone quickly followed.
第一时间赶到现场的人们可以看到仍在熊熊燃烧的失事飞机残骸,还有数十具尸体,就在乌克兰东部距离Grabovo村不远的地方。事故照片中,机身残片上专属于马航的红蓝徽记赫然醒目,照片出现在网上没过多久,马来西亚航空公司就确认:在失事的波音777 从阿姆斯特丹飞往吉隆坡的途中,沿着横跨乌俄两国领空的空中走廊飞行时,总部与飞机失去了联络。这条空中走廊早已建立、且被频繁使用。尽管坠机事件的原因尚未查明,但是对于坠机是因为飞机驾驶到了乌俄冲突区域而被导弹击毁的猜想很快就不绝于耳。