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But first, the World Health Organization is holding an emergency meeting to discuss how to tackle the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. It's the worst ever recorded, and so far has killed over 800 people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. The virus spreads mostly by contact with infected bodily fluids and up to 90% of the people who catch it die. But today we meet one of the 10% who survive. 41-year-old Saa Sabas from Guinea caught Ebola from his father in April this year. Through a translator, he told me what happened when his father became ill.

Well, he had severe diarrhea. For five days he had diarrhea. Then he got a high fever and it finished with hiccups, violent hiccups. And then he died.


And you were in close contact with him throughout his illness.

Yes. I stayed at his side for the first four days. I washed him. I fed him. I held his hand. When he was sweating I was wiping the sweat off. But we didn't know what kind of illness we were looking at.

How long after his death was it diagnosed as having been caused by Ebola?

Well, he died and we buried him. And after a couple of days, the authorities called me and said that I needed to be under supervision, observation for 21 days. And after about 11 days, I started feeling very hot. And I got a fever at the first symptoms.