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美联储退出QE 将维持低利率


The U.S. Federal Reserve has announced an end to its 6-year bond buying program.

But at the same time, the Fed says it's going to keep its record-low interest rates unchanged for the time being.

The move has been widely expected.

The US central bank has been gradually paring down the size of its monthly bond purchases from 85-billion down to 15-billion since December of last year.

美联储退出QE 将维持低利率

The stimulus programs, which have been undertaken in three different forms since the start of the global economic downturn in 2008, have fueled a rebound in the US economy.

GDP in the US expanded 4.6-percent in the second quarter on the back of strong consumer spending.

Unemployment in the US has dipped below 6-percent, and inflation remains in-check.

For more on the Fed's decision, CRI's Zhao Yang spoke earlier with Einar Tangen, former Chair of the State of Wisconsin's International Trade Council.