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北京APEC 中国准备好了


China's Foreign Minister has outlined China's priorities for the forthcoming APEC meetings to be held in Beijing next month.

Wang Yi says China has three main goals.

"We hope the APEC meetings in Beijing will realize three targets. First, to jointly build a future-oriented Asia-Pacific partnership. Second, to jointly create an open Asia-Pacific economic structure; and third, to jointly plan the future direction of APEC development."

While most of the work connected to large-scale summits is done before and after the high-level leaders meetings, previous APEC sessions have provided an opportunity for state leaders to meet face-to-face.

北京APEC 中国准备好了

As such, observers are going to be watching to see if there will be any meeting between Chinese and Japanese leaders, given the frictions between the two countries.

When asked about the possibility of a sideline meeting, Wang Yi says China will be a good host to "all its guests."

"There is a tradition in China that everybody who comes to our house is a guest. As for the obstacles that stand in the way of China-Japan relations, they are the facts, and it's impossible to avoid. We hope the Japanese leaders and Japanese side can properly face up to the existence of the issue and display their sincerity in wanting to solve those problems."

Wang Yi also adds the Chinese and Canadian sides are still consulting about the possibility of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's attendance at the APEC meetings.

Harper has reportedly canceled plans to attend the meeting, citing last week's attack on the country's parliament.

Wang Yi is denying suggestions Harper's cancellation has anything to do with a case involving a Canadian couple currently being held here in China on charges of espionage.