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Beijing's health authorities have carried out an exercise to test the city's readiness and abilities in dealing with a potential Ebola incident.

Mao Yu, deputy director of the city's Commission of Health and Family Planning, explains.

"The exercise tested medical organizations' hands-on ability in diagnosing and treating Ebola cases and subsequent work of reporting and sterilizing."

The drill started at Beijing Capital International Airport, where a "suspected Ebola patient" was identified during the entry quarantine.


Isolation and prevention measures were taken at once and the incident was soon reported to Beijing First Aid Center.

As soon as the patient was taken to Beijing Ditan Hospital, doctors there followed an authorized scheme of diagnosing and treating Ebola cases and confirmed it as a suspected Ebola case and then reported to the nation's disease control authority.

Personnel were later sent to the hospital for epidemiological survey and a patient sample was collected for further testing.

Mao says the drill was helpful for reinforcing the achievements of previous procedures and training and pinpointing the keys in Ebola fight.