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As the weekend approaches, people in Chicago are hoping that they're not in for another couple of days of violence. 30 people were shot last weekend and even more the weekend before that, there were 267 shootings in the city in April alone. Part of it is about drugs gangs vying for power and territory since many local gang leaders were jailed. but there are other deep-rooted problems, segregation, underinvestment and inequality. As Aleem Maqbool reports from Chicago.

We pray for the family of Endia Martin, a young woman who had so much to live for, who was so young.


A vigil held in south side Chicago for a 14-year-old girl, shot dead by another 14-year-old girl, apparently in a fight over a boy. It is one of the latest in a series of incidents that's once again brought Chicago's problems with gun crime and America's issues with poverty and race into the spotlight.