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声音有形 音乐无限


声音有形 音乐无限

That story can be in music, too. Piano's friend, the Italian pianist Maurizio Pollini opened the Parco della Musica in Rome in 2002. This is Italy's largest park for music and the grandest collection of music boxes that Renzo Piano has ever built. Before Renzo Piano begins any building project, he says that he listens to the space where the new building is going to be, where his new building is going to be. Well I wonder what he heard, here. Because the journey from his listening to this space is a journey from his listening to our listening. I'm in the centre of the Parco della Musica in a place that's called the Largo Luciano Berio which is an open air amphitheatre that can seat 3,000 people that nestles in between three gigantic auditoria. The buildings are scarab-shaped. They're like huge beetles that squat over this amphitheatre. Each is cased in lead, which is already... Even though the buildings are just over a decade, old, it's already beginning to weather.

But it's that process I want to discover about how Piano brings the immateriality of his idea, his listening to this space through to the material, to the absolute concrete reality of the materials I'm sitting on and amongst, the lead, the marble, the terra-cotta, and after all the material of music, that's the function, and the purpose of these boxes for music.