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Ecolab Inc., an American global provider of clean energy technologies and services, has made great progress on helping industries in China to produce their goods with less water consumption.

Those industries include dairy plants, food industries, steel mills, paper mills and a great number of energy firms.

The company has grown 10 times larger for the last 5 years in China.

Christophe Beck, the Executive Vice President of the firm, talks about how green technologies are successful in China's paper industry.


"If we take the paper industry, for instance, which is a big one in China. We've brought our technologies to purify the water to produce better paper and afterwards we purify the water that comes out from the paper mill, and we recycle it within the paper mill which helps paper mill produce with much less water."

He also says water treatment and food safety are the two biggest fields in which they will cooperate with China.

"The first one is water treatment and helping companies produce with no net water intake, we recycle everything. The second one is food safety, we can help the food and beverage industry to produce safer food."

Another company, McWong Environmental Technology, has been promoting ZLD, or Zero Liquid Discharge, to solve the waste water issue in some Chinese industries.

The main idea is to reuse the solid waste, turning it to a useful industrial product.

In this way, they will recycle all of the material from waste water treatment.

Alex Ping Zhang, President of the company, says he's quite pleased with the cooperation with China.

"Many Chinese companies now have better understanding the needs and have a very high social responsibility, and are also required by new environmental law, so cooperation we getting from counterparts are very good."

He adds that the company's goal is to save money, land, energy, manpower, and eventually to produce affordable ZLD projects for Chinese clients.

For one of the ZLD projects, they're cooperating with ChinaCoal Mengda New Energy Chemical Company Limited in Inner Mongolia. This project is now under the commissioning stage.

Another project with China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Corporation is still in operation.

For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.