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A 20-minute video, filmed by a U.S. Allies representative, has made its debut in a museum in Hunan Province.

Serving as an important testimony of the Chinese People's victory, the video footage demonstrates the signing of a surrender memorandum by the Japanese in Zhijiang, a major battlefield during the war of resistance against Japanese aggression.

Curator of the Memorial Hall of the Victory of the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the Acceptance of the Japanese Surrender, Wu Jianhong:

二战日本投降<a href=http://wwW.hxen.net/englishvideo/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>视频</a>亮相

"Thousands of Chinese soldiers and people witnessed the historical moment of the Japanese aggressors' surrender representative's landing. The city was in jubilation, while all the streets were in holiday array. People rejoiced to embrace the victory of the war".

The museum also displays 32 photos from a U.S. veteran to the public for the first time.

They were among 223 wartime images donated in November by Joseph Day, a former signalman of the American Volunteer Group, better known as the Flying Tiger that helped China drive out the invading Japanese troops.

Joseph used his camera to record the historical moment of Japanese Army's Deputy Chief of the General Staff - Takeo Imai's landing in Zhijiang, and surrender scenes in east China's Gaoyou City.
Curator Wu Jianhong.

"The picture was released to the world for the first time and shows the Chinese people and soldiers fought hard and united in the war of resistance against Japanese and finally won the victory. We also appreciate the peace-loving forces of the world for supporting China in the war. I also think that the pictures have shown the friendship forged between China and America during the war."

Joseph also took numerous pictures of the celebration of the victory in urban districts of Zhijiang.
The memorial hall has also received donations of precious historical relics of the war, including electronic documents and war brochures and magazines printed by the Japanese army covering such historical events.

The relics will go on display for the 70th anniversary of the Anti-Japanese War.

For CRI, I am Xie Cheng.