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Greek government has begun the transfer of some 800-million US dollars in debt interest it owes to the International Monetary Fund.

The transfer comes just hours before the repayment was due.

This comes as the finance ministers from 19 countries in the Eurozone meet in Brussels in a bid to negotiate the final bailout plan for Greece.

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis says they have no plans at this point to launch a referendum on the bailout.


"A referendum is always available to the government and the President of the Republic in order to elicit the support of the Greek people when it comes to pivotal decisions that need to be made. There is no commitment to use it. It is a tool which is available to the Greek government. At the moment it's not something that is on the radar screen as far as we are concerned."

Greece and its European creditors have been trying to agree on a list of reforms to secure a new round of financing worth around 8-billion US dollars.

The current Greek government rose to power on a campaign pledge to eliminate the austerity measures which have been imposed on the country by its European creditors.

However, most European countries, including the biggest lender Germany, have been demanding Athens stick to plans to reduce the country's massive deficit.