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Many of the latest achievements in China's software industry are on show at this year's event.

Most of them are expected to find wide applications as the country tries to implement the "Internet Plus", "China Manufacturing 2025" and the Silk Road strategies.

Yao Dan is from a Shanghai-based software developer.

"Our products can establish an efficient connection between 3,000 machines, a cloud-based management platform and a material consumption system, which will greatly help improve the productivity of a factory."

China's software industry has seen a robust growth in recent years.


Last year, the industry registered revenue of nearly 4 trillion yuan, or about 650 billion US dollars, up more than 20 percent from 2013, while information-related services brought in over half of the total income in the industry.

Miao Wei, China's Minister of Industry and Information Technology, says the country will continue to boost the industry's development by encouraging innovation.

"We will strive to optimize the environment for the sector's development, streamline policies and standards, and compile guidelines for the development of the software and big-data industry in the 13th five-year period. We will also continue to boost innovation in the industry, encourage cooperation between software developers and enterprises in the manufacturing sector, and give more support to the improvement of internet security technologies."

Chen Wei, head of the ministry's information services department, says the development of software technology will heavily influence the development of the world.

"Software and technology are playing a growing role in the manufacturing industry. Software-driven equipment has found wider application, resulting in the birth of "intelligent manufacturing." We can clearly see the decisive role of software in this trend and it's why we can say that software will decide how the future world looks like."

The expo is the largest and the most influential international software show in China.

This year, it attracted more than 600 software companies from home and abroad.

10 seminars will be held during the expo, expected to attract more than 3,000 participants.

For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.