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US First Lady Michelle Obama was on-hand Saturday night to officially declare the opening of the Games.

"And now, on behalf of my husband the entire nation that is rooting for all of you, it is my great honor to say those magical words: let the 2015 Special Olympics World Games begin!"

Mrs. Obama's opening of the Special Olympics has been greeted with euphoria, bringing many in the massive crowd to tears, including Ronald Weintraub, a fervent supporter of the Special Olympics.

"I cried. It was awesome! It was the best show! Over 60 thousand people in the Coliseum! It feels like a real Olympic Games. The Special Olympics is finally here. We did it!"

The 60-thousand in attendance at the LA Coliseum has actually surpassed the numbers for the Opening Ceremony of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles.


China has 93 athletes involved in this year's Special Olympics, including 21-year old Xiao Zhiqiang from the city of Zhangzhou in Fujian, who is taking part in the basketball competition.

"We will do our utmost to play! We'll strive to win."

Timothy Shriver, President of the Special Olympics, says sport has become a game changer for intellectually disabled people and their families.

"Too often sport is used to find out who is the best. We use sport to ask everyone to discover what is your best."

Around 65-hundred athletes from 165 different countries and regions will compete in 25 different events over the next week.

Xiaohong, CRI, Los Angeles.