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An undercover probe conducted by China Central Television has revealed just how easy it can be to obtain fraudulent inspection certificates.

Reporters in Shandong's capital, Jinan, were able to obtain fake emission permits from local garages, as well as in local shopping centers.

"Don't worry. You don't need to have your car fixed. I'm sure we can get it through inspection. You don't have to pay until I can take care of it. It will only cost you 200-yuan."

"150 yuan will be given to the guys at the testing station. I'll take the rest. They need me to introduce you. These guys are in-charge of exhaust testing."

As per the rules, the testing is monitored by video cameras installed by the local environmental protection bureau.

However, the probe by CCTV has found the Inspection Center's director has revealed they've found a way to bypass the observers.


"We've found a way to get past the cameras. We've installed a switch at the end of the exhaust testing pipe. All we do is turn it off during the tests."

Managers with the inspection center are also suggesting the testing equipment itself can be tampered with.

"There are different methods. Equipment makers can help you deal with it. On top of manipulating the hardware, the software can also be configured. It's not that tough."

Around 40-percent of the machines used to test vehicle emissions in China are produced by Shenzhen-based Anche Technology.

Wang Hongliang is the head of Anche's Shandong branch.

"The manipulation of the software in our systems appears to be very well done. Our equipment, when untampered with, stand up to national standards. But they've found a way to manipulate the data, which even the authorities with the environmental protection bureau can't detect."

The undercover expose by China Central Television has found at least 20 vehicle inspection centers in Shandong, as well as Guangdong, Liaoning and Zhejiang have been running similar scams to the one revealed in Jinan.

Authorities have yet to comment on the report.

For CRI, I'm Qi Zhi.