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The 11th G20 summit, scheduled to be held Sept. 4th and 5th in Hangzhou is themed "Toward an Innovative, Invigorated, Interconnected and Inclusive World Economy."

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lu Kang says "inclusive and interconnected development" is expected to be one of the key priorities to be discussed at the summit.

"The topics for discussion on inclusive and interconnected development directly involves sustainable development and it would be one of the big highlights at the summit to promote a synergistic development of all economies and the interconnection of all industries for win-win and shared prosperity by all social strata."


Lu Kang also says it is the first time for such development issues to take a prominent position within the global macro-policy framework and the first time an action plan has been created to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

"Specifically, we will promote the implementation of the action plans for the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We will adopt both collective actions and country-specific actions and, while implementing the work in one's own country, provide other developing countries with necessary support and take concrete actions to make contributions to the main-channel work of the United Nations."

He says that China will make a proposal on cooperation to support the industrialization of Africa and least developed countries, supporting these countries to speed up industrialization and reduce poverty and pursue sustainable development.

The spokesperson says the summit will also continue eyeing international trade and investment issues and making efforts to reduce trade protectionism.

"In the context of strongly opposing trade and investment protectionism, we will effectively use the WTO multilateral trade mechanism and bilateral communication mechanism to enhance understanding and expand consensus. A statement released after the G20 Trade Ministers Meeting, the first of its kind in G20 history, says the world's 20 major economies hold a common and firm position on opposing trade protectionism."

He further noted that the G20 Summit will take measures to formulate Hangzhou action plans, in order to maintain an open and safe global trade system for strong and sustainable growth of the global economy.

Issues such as employment and inclusive business, care for women, promoting innovation, and sustainable development in agriculture are also to be discussed.