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China is preparing intensively for the September G20 Summit, and sparing no efforts to create a dialogue platform between developing and developed countries, but problems such as the weakening world economy and rising trade protectionism are still the inevitable challenges the summit has to face.

Gerhard Stahl, former Secretary-General of the European Committee of the Regions, said that strengthening economic cooperation among countries and regions, being wary about the rising protectionism, as well as building an open market will be the most significant responsibility of this year's G20 Summit.


"I think G20 has to play an important role. We need the coordination of the economic policy between the major entities, which means between China, Asia, Europe, and the United States. We also have to integrate Africa and developing countries. So this G20 can be a very important platform. We also have to make sure global trade remains an important element, protectionist policies are rejected, and that protected markets are further opened up. I think the G20 plays an important role."

David Dollar, senior researcher of the Brookings Institute, said that this year's economic growth rate appears to be 3 percent although it was estimated to be 4 percent, so in facing the economic recession, the fiscal stimulus policies dominated by governments are still going to need important initiatives to boost economy and development.

Under the current circumstances of depression in the world economy, the tendency for anti-globalization has emerged in some developed countries recently.

David Dollar suggests that developed countries should not forget their origins, and developing countries like China should keep playing a leading role, stepping up efforts to open up.

"So I think you need the developing countries to play more of a leading role in opening up ***, it will be great if China would take some initiatives to open up its economy more. The advanced economies have to fight against protectionism because free trade and investment have been the foundation of prosperity for these countries; their people are forgetting it now."

Huang Xiaoguang, CEO of the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group in China, also voiced his expectations for the G20 Summit in combating protectionism.

He looks to the G20, representing the most important countries in the world, to be in the position to work together to make the world better.

According to the expert, not only will the G20 Summit prove important to solving the world's economic issues, it is also a key opportunity for China to showcase itself to the world as a great place to do business.

For CRI, this is Huang Yue.