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Although two-year-old Princess Charlotte just began Nursery School this past week, it appears the Princess has been taking her schooling very seriously.


Proving she is already knowledgeable beyond her years, sources have reported the princess is bilingual.


According to People magazine, the precocious toddler, who is attending Willcocks Nursery School in Kensington, already speaks two languages - a skill most people cannot claim.


Having reportedly picked up the second language from her nanny Maria Turrion Borralo, who hails from Spain, the bilingual Princess is, according to sources, already chatting away in Spanish - and we can’t help but feel inferior.

据说夏洛特公主的第二语言是从西班牙保姆Maria Turrion Borralo那里学来的,这位小公主已经可以用西班牙语聊天了,这不禁使我们这些大人感到自卑。

And it looks like Princess Charlotte’s big brother Prince George is learning the language as well.


Last year the Duchess of Cambridge confirmed the reports of her linguistically curious children.


Mentioning to a member of the public that Princess Charlotte’s nanny was teaching her Spanish, Kate also revealed that Prince George, who is only four-years-old, is already capable of counting to 10 in the language.


The source also revealed that the tiny Princess is “very sweet and very confident,” and is “so polite, but also fun and energetic.”


There are proven benefits to being bilingual; they have better job prospects, a cognitive boost and even protection against dementia. They can also view the world in different ways depending on the specific language they are operating in.


Studies have shown that childhood is the best time to learn a new language, and that early effort will make your brain more robust, and even help you think about time differently.
