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VANCOUVER - A gathering of foreign ministers in Vancouver today to discuss the perils posed by North Korea is expected to focus on sanctions, non-proliferation and diplomacy.

温哥华电 今日,(20国)外长们集结温哥华,讨论朝鲜构成的风险,预计此次聚焦于制裁、不扩散和外交。

Eric Walsh, Canada’s ambassador to Korea, says ministers will aim to identify which sanctions are being evaded and how to improve enforcement, while also discussing possible diplomatic solutions.


He says non-proliferation is also a key topic, and participants will look at recent developments in North Korea’s nuclear program and what they mean for the region and the international community.


The federal government has faced criticism for not inviting Russia and China to the summit, which instead brings together ministers from countries that supported the United Nations force in the Korean War.


Walsh says the conference is not meant to replace other discussions that are taking place, and instead it is meant to complement those talks.


He says there’s "no question" that China and Russia have critical roles to play in North Korea and the summit, co-hosted by Canada and the U.S., was not intended to exclude them.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau conceded Monday that both China and Russia will be integral to securing peace on the Korean peninsula, even as he defended the decision to leave the two countries out of the gathering.


Trudeau made the remarks after Russia became the latest to slam the meeting as a threat to peace efforts.


China, meanwhile, has already derided as "Cold War thinking" the involvement of only those allies that supported South Korea during the Korean War.
