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美版张韶涵母女?Justin Bieber女票傻脸娜Gomez的老妈这次在Ins上主动示好


Selena Gomez and her mom, Mandy Teefey, used to be as thick as thieves, but then the ladies went through some personal drama that caused their relationship to falter.

Selena Gomez和老妈曼迪,曾经形同闺蜜,但是后来经历了一些个人的戏剧性事件,两人的关系开始不稳定。

“Selena has always said that the one person that means the most to her is her mom, Mandy,” a source explained to E! News.“But still, they’ve had a really complicated relationship and have gone through a lot of ups and downs.”


The issues were exacerbated by SelGo getting back together with Justin Bieber, which allegedly caused the 41-year-old to freak out so much that she had to be hospitalized.Things started spiraling from there and soon enough Mandy and Selena were unfollowing each other on Instagram, making nasty comments, etc.

Selena Gomez与贾斯汀比伯复合加剧了母女的紧张关系,导致老妈曼迪不得不住院治疗。事情从那里开始螺旋上升,很快,曼迪和赛琳娜在Instagram上互相取关,对彼此的评论也夹枪带棒,诸如此类不一而足。

It appears as though Mandy is done with the drama (for now, at least), as she recently re-followed her daughter on Instagram AND praised her new projects.


First, she posted a press release announcing the 25-year-old’s voice role in the upcoming Dr. Dolittle reboot, The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle.

首先,她发布了一篇新闻稿,宣布25岁的Selena Gomez在即将上映的《怪医杜立德的航海之旅》(The Voyage of Doctor Dolittle)中担任杜立德的配音角色。

Mandy wrote, “Congrats!Kirschenbaum @selenagomez!!Love reading Press Releases like this!Good peeps from great projects!!!XO”

曼迪写道:“恭喜!Kirschenbaum @selenagomez!!开心读到这样的新闻稿!悦耳的捷报啊!!!笑脸.jpg”

A post shared by Mandy Teefey (@kicked2thecurbproductions) on Feb 7, 2018 at 7:01am PST


She then shared a piece of her oldest daughter’s recent interview with Katherine Langford for Harper’s Bazaar magazine and said, “@selenagomez & @katherinelangford #13RY The ladies that could!One from Grand Prairie, One from Perth!Both discovered from worldwide searches for roles that changed their path to have powerful positive influences on the future.Amazing to witness this from Day 1!!!Congrats.”

然后,她分享了她的大女儿Katherine Langford最近一次接受时尚芭莎(Harper’s Bazaar)杂志的采访:“@selenagomez @katherinelangford,我的丫头们都棒棒哒!”一个来自大草原城(位于德克萨斯州东北),一个来自澳大利亚珀斯!两个人殊途同归,平分秋色,未来也都是不可限量。很开心从宝贝们诞生的第一天起就见证了俩姑娘的这一切成长!!恭喜。”

A post shared by Mandy Teefey (@kicked2thecurbproductions) on Feb 7, 2018 at 10:32pm PST


Selena still hasn’t followed her mom back, but that’s not saying too much since she recently unfollowed, like, everyone on social media.
