鸡都知道在人行横道上等待红绿灯过马路, 你还有理由不遵守交通规则吗?
A chicken was caught on camera avoiding jaywalking and instead crossing the road in the crosswalk.
一只鸡被摄像头拍到在人行横道上过马路, 而不是乱穿马路。
The law-abiding poultry was seen wandering alongside a busy Oklahoma City street until she gets to the crosswalk, where she then proceeds to walk in front of the cars waiting at a traffic light.
The footage was taken by a local police officer and shared on the Oklahoma City Police Department’s Facebook page.
While it’s unclear what this chicken’s motives were, a chicken in Canada became a local celebrity last year after New Brunswick residents found her crossing the road like clockwork every afternoon to go to Tim Horton’s.