

[00:12.03]The Duct Tape
[00:14.00]Among the contents of
[00:16.62]the toolboxes of most people
[00:18.92]in the western world
[00:20.23]you would expect to find
[00:21.76]a hammer and nails, a drill,
[00:24.17]screwdrivers and some screws.
[00:26.47]But if you were to
[00:28.88]ask people from North America
[00:30.41]what the most useful item
[00:31.83]in their toolboxes was,
[00:33.58]the majority of people would 
[00:35.88]undoubtedly tell you that
[00:37.51]it was duct tape.
[00:39.05]Indeed, it has become
[00:41.02]an indispensable addition
[00:42.66]to every person's perception
[00:44.63]of what constitutes necessity.
[00:47.03]Maybe you have never
[00:50.10]heard of duct tape.
[00:51.63]It is the brand
[00:53.16]name of a tape.
[00:54.36]Not only is it a tape,
[00:56.35]but also it is
[00:58.08]a special kind of tape.
[01:00.05]The name of the tape
[01:02.02]comes from the fact that
[01:03.45]it was designed as
[01:04.54]an insulating tape that
[01:06.07]can be used in duct work
[01:07.82](channels or conduits that
[01:09.90]are used for heat to travel
[01:12.09]through to get to
[01:13.51]different areas of a building). 
[01:15.04]Incredible though it seems,
[01:17.89]someone actually put a picture
[01:19.20]of a duck on the  packaging
[01:20.95]of the tape from one manufacturer
[01:23.03]perhaps just as a joke
[01:25.33]or maybe because the design
[01:26.86]artist did not understand
[01:28.83]the origin of the name.
[01:30.79]Neither the word duck
[01:32.77]nor duct was on the label. 
[01:35.06]Presumably, it was assumed
[01:37.36]that everyone could identify the product.
[01:39.77]You can recognize the genuine tape
[01:43.27]because of its silver grey colour.
[01:46.22]The colour was likely chosen
[01:48.52]because it closely resembles
[01:50.60]the colour of the pipes
[01:52.46]it would be used on.
[01:53.99]That was the primary
[01:55.63]intended use of the tape.
[01:57.06]It was unlikely that
[01:59.02]the inventor realized how many
[02:01.10]other uses could be
[02:03.18]found for this product.