


[00:00.00]Ingenious people have found many 
[00:02.61]alternative uses for this tape.
[00:05.02]The binder on the tape
[00:06.99]is of good quality and it
[00:08.74]will stick to most surfaces.
[00:10.92]The tape is of great strength.
[00:13.12]It is impossible
[00:15.30]to tear the tape.
[00:16.84]It must be cut.
[00:18.47]The durable nature of the tape
[00:20.67]is one of its main assets.
[00:22.85]It comes in a variety of 
[00:25.70]widths and the length of
[00:27.45]the tape on the roll
[00:28.87]will vary as well.
[00:30.40]The number of centimeters wide
[00:33.36]and the number of meters long
[00:35.32]will determine the price of the roll.
[00:37.73]The duct tape is acquiring 
[00:41.89]fame as the number of
[00:43.31]its uses for it exceeds
[00:44.84]the thoughts possible.
[00:46.70]The number of uses
[00:48.56]for this tape will amaze you.
[00:50.86]One internet Website started out
[00:53.71]trying to identify 101 uses
[00:55.46]for the duct tape and
[00:57.86]the list has well
[00:59.83]over 200 uses on it now.
[01:01.80]Maybe there are an 
[01:03.77]infinite number of uses.
[01:06.98]Some of the items it lists
[01:08.51]involve an imagination
[01:09.72]but others are quite genuine.
[01:12.12]Not even a kindergarten student requires
[01:16.28]instruction on how to use it.
[01:18.36]One idea seems to generate another,
[01:21.42]inspired by the unique way
[01:23.72]someone else has decided to
[01:25.58]make use of the tape.
[01:27.66]However, some of the uses
[01:30.07]are not feasible to execute.
[01:32.25]For instance, the use
[01:34.99]of the tape as a bandage
[01:36.42]is not recommended.
[01:37.94]It could cause injury
[01:39.59]when it is removed.
[01:41.22] You must evaluate the list
[01:43.96]with a sense of humor
[01:45.71]as some of the uses
[01:47.02]could embarrass a person.
[01:48.67]The commercial value of
[01:51.18]the tape is undoubtedly
[01:52.72]tremendous with huge profits
[01:54.90]resulting from the sales.
[01:56.54]The product practically promotes itself
[01:59.93]without much need for publicity.
[02:02.23]Sometimes you see people,
[02:05.73]usually male rather than female,
[02:08.47]wearing shirts that have
[02:10.66]a slogan written on them
[02:12.30]that says,“I can fix anything”
[02:14.26]—and then there is a picture
[02:16.89]of a duct tape
[02:18.20]below the saying.
[02:19.52]The implication presumably is that
[02:21.71]the duct tape replaces skill.
[02:24.22]Another good marketing strategy
[02:27.62]that people enjoy is
[02:29.48]the use of a calendar.
[02:31.11]There is one page
[02:32.87]on the calendar for every day
[02:34.73]of the year and each page
[02:36.92]shows and describes a new use
[02:38.33]of the duct tape.