

[00:00.00]和谐英语学习网 Section B
[00:09.46]1a When you choose clothes, what is important to you?
[00:19.04]Next to each statement, write NI (for not important),
[00:25.76]I(for important) or VI (for very important).
[01:05.67]______1. They are original
[01:18.34]______2. They are comfortable
[01:21.45]______3. They are the same as my friends' clothes
[01:27.46]______4. They are trendy
[01:32.16]______5. They are inexpensive
[01:34.56]______6. They are colorful
[01:49.66]2a Listen. Erin is calling "Teen Talk",
[01:56.58]a radio advice program, to get advice about a problem.
[02:01.00]Check ( ) Erin's problem.
[02:19.72]在爱尔兰要解决的问题前画“ ”。
[02:38.43]______My friend has nicer clothes than I do.
[02:53.64]______My friend wears the same clothes and has the same haircut as I do.
[03:03.69]______I don't like my friend's clothes and haircut.
[04:45.20]2b Listen again.
[04:47.82]What advice do the callers give Erin? Fill in the chart.
[09:57.66]3a Read this letter to a newspaper advice column.
[10:04.06]Underline the problem.
[10:09.99]Dear Mary Lee,
[10:14.50]I have a problem, and I need your help.
[10:17.74]I always thought I was popular at school.
[10:33.13]But just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party
[10:38.72]for my best friend,and they didnt't invite me.
[11:03.35]Everyone else in my class has been invited expect me,and I don't know why.
[11:27.57]I can't think waht I did wrong.
[11:34.49]I'm very upset and don't know what to do.
[11:40.60]What do you think?
[11:41.62]Can you help me?
[11:43.14]Yours,Left Out
[13:19.12]此致 省略
[14:55.11]Dear Mary Lee,
[14:56.42]I have a problem, and I need your help.
[15:00.15]I always thought I was popular at school.
[15:03.60]But just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party
[15:08.41]for my best friend,and they didnt't invite me.
[15:11.99]Everyone else in my class has been invited expect me,and I don't know why.
[15:18.70]I can't think waht I did wrong.
[15:21.00]I'm very upset and don't know what to do.
[15:24.73]What do you think?
[15:25.88]Can you help me?
[15:27.32]Yours,Left Out
[15:28.72]此致 省略
[15:30.12]3b Think of some advice for "Left Out". Fill in the blanks in Mary Lee's letter.
[16:10.16]考虑对Left Out的建议,在Mary Lee的信中填入所缺的句子。(见教科书)
[16:50.21]4 PAIRWORK
[16:52.43]Choose one of the problems below and ask your classmates for advice.
[16:56.95]Decide which classmate has the best advice.
[17:23.15]You left your homework at home.
[17:28.35]Your best friend is more popular than you.
[18:03.14]You lost your sports clothes.